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Technology in the Janitorial Industry

In the age of technology, every industry stands to benefit from taking full advantage of what the marketplace has to offer. Effectively using new technologies can make processes more efficient, effective, and environmentally friendly, even in the cleaning industry. Keep reading to find out how technology is transforming the janitorial industry to ensure you aren’t left behind. 

Advanced Equipment

Vacuums, scrubbers, and pressure washers have come a long way since their inception. These tasks can be automated with robots, mapping the floorplan of the building and programming a path for it to run. Automations like this are an investment, but saving on time-consuming labor can cut costs in the long run.

Along with floor-plan mapping, the industry uses IoT technology, or the Internet of Things, to measure several areas. IoT technology refers to a network of connected devices, like those in a smart home. These devices can monitor supply levels, equipment functionality, RFID tracking, and even when trash bags are full and need to be changed. 

What’s RFID? It stands for radio frequency identification and helps to replace GPS tracking and geofencing for certain uses. RFID is one-way communication: You tag something and can track it through a beacon. RFID is often used to track expensive equipment, inventory, and employees—especially in a facility with an entire team working inside.

Green Cleaning

Technology is also at the forefront of the sustainability movement within the cleaning industry. With the ability to test and measure the effectiveness of new, cutting-edge products and methods, there are plenty of alternatives to traditional chemical cleaning that are just as, if not more, effective. From bio-degradable detergents and cloths to water-saving equipment, sustainability in the industry has never been more feasible. 

It’s important to research products that claim to be biodegradable. Every compound breaks down eventually, be it 30 days or hundreds of years. Many products also claim to be ‘readily biodegradable’ if only one of the ingredients breaks down within 28 days. It’s important to understand the truth behind these popular label buzzwords.

On-Demand Services

Mobile apps and online services have cut down the time it takes to research and connect with a service provider. Customers can schedule appointments and customize their preferences easily. Other services, like quality inspections and complaint resolution, also implement automated pipelines to direct tasks to the right person based on inspection scores, issue severity, and area. 

You can also use analytics from sensory data and surveys to identify high-traffic or problematic areas. This can help you be proactive in tackling little issues before they become big. These analytics can also automate a schedule for equipment maintenance and service part orders, like when it’s time to replace a vacuum bag or scrubber pads. 

Not every solution is right

Impressive improvements have been made in the use of some specific cleaning tools, like UV-C disinfection technology, which can’t be used in every building. UV-C is a germicidal frequency of Ultraviolet light that gained popularity for its ability to inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It’s been used as far back as the 1800s to kill bacteria, mold, and viruses.

UV-C is a short wavelength of light that’s extremely damaging to cells. Recent technology has made it possible for UV-C to be used safely, but it comes with other concerns. Namely, outside of environments where air quality is tightly controlled, like hospitals, using UV-C to kill environmental pollutants actually increases the concentration of air pollutants.


Like with every new technology, it may not be right for everyone. Tech is driving significant advancements in the cleaning industry as much as any other, and it’s our responsibility to become leaders in sustainability. As this continues to grow and evolve, stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and decide which are right for you. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, so keep moving forward and always ask, ‘What’s next?’

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